Those who live with hearing loss know that every day can present unanticipated communication challenges. Whether it is trying to talk to a neighbor on a gusty day or keep up with the hilarious dialog of your favorite TV show, speech is often coming to us in less-than-ideal circumstances. Fortunately, there are simple ways to make your hearing experience easier and less frustrating.
Don’t Let Your Social Life Suffer Because You Can’t Hear!
Warmer weather and summer on the horizon often boost social engagement. Additionally, this particular year with more people becoming vaccinated, people will be reuniting with friends and family.
With much of social life on pause over the past year, many are looking forward to reconnecting and spending time with others. Being able to completely enjoy this time is incredibly important. Treating hearing loss provides the critical support needed to maximize hearing which supports people fully participating in and enjoying their social life.
Hearing Loss Symptoms & Impact
It is important to recognize hearing loss symptoms and intervene to address those symptoms as early as possible. Early intervention can significantly help the transition into better hearing with greater ease. Hearing loss results in a reduced ability to absorb and process sound which produces numerous symptoms including the following:
Tinnitus: a buzzing, ringing, clicking like noise in one or both ears
Sound is slurred or muffled making it difficult to identify individual words
Increasing the volume on electronic devices like TV, smartphone, speaker etc.
Regularly asking others to speak loudly, slowly, and/or repeat themselves
Difficulty hearing in environments with background noise, and in conversations with multiple people
Needing to move to a quieter area to have a conversation
Being able to hear more clearly in one ear compared to the other
These symptoms can be mild to severe, disrupting daily life. Hearing loss often interferes with a person’s capacity to manage personal and professional responsibilities by:
Straining communication:
Symptoms create barriers for effective communication. Having and following conversations becomes difficult when you cannot hear clearly. People with untreated hearing loss often use coping strategies like pretending to hear, reading lips, asking others to repeat the sentence etc. This can be exhausting and create unpleasant interactions.
Leading to social withdrawal:
Strained communication and the kind of fatigue it produces often leads to social withdrawal. People may want to avoid this kind of interaction altogether because it requires extra work and energy. This means spending less time with others which can take a toll on relationships by creating distance and tension. Social withdrawal also impacts mental health by contributing to isolation, loneliness, anxiety etc.
In addition to these major risks of untreated hearing loss, it can also impact health outcomes. Untreated hearing loss increases the risk of developing other conditions including cognitive decline, experiencing accidental injuries, and depression. The best way to alleviate symptoms and associated risks is to address and treat hearing loss with a hearing healthcare specialist.
Impact of Masks on Communication
Another challenge to an active social life for people with hearing loss is masks. Though necessary protection, masks present unique challenges for people who have a more challenging time hearing. A few challenges include:
Covers Mouth:
The most obvious challenge to communication is that a mask covers the entire mouth. This blocks visibility of the mouth which prevents people from being able to access useful visual cues like lip reading. This is a useful way people, especially who have impaired hearing, follow a conversation.
Muffles Sound:
Wearing masks also restricts the movement of the mouth which impacts sound. The fabric over the mouth prevents the mouth from fully moving the way it typically would to annunciate words. This can muffle sound, making it unclear and hard to hear.
The combination of untreated hearing loss symptoms and the impact of masks on daily communication can drastically limit one’s ability to engage with others. But as we approach this exciting time of increased vaccinations and reuniting with others, you can take part by treating your hearing loss.
Treating Hearing Loss with Hart Hearing and Balance Centers
The first step in addressing hearing loss is scheduling an appointment for a hearing test. Conducted by our audiologists, hearing tests involve a noninvasive process that measures hearing ability in both ears. This process identifies any impairment and the degree of hearing loss you could be experiencing.
Once your hearing needs are established, we are able to determine the most effective treatment option to successfully meet those needs. The most common treatment for hearing loss is hearing aids which provide ample sound support, maximizing hearing capacity!
If you’re ready to experience the benefits of hearing loss treatment, contact us at Hart Hearing and Balance Centers today!
How Treating Hearing Loss Can Help Your Relationships
We all understand that communication in relationships is essential, yet many romantic partners struggle with it! People struggle to express their emotions and opinions and then get irritated because their partners do not hear them. Many individuals don't know how to interact with their partners in simple and meaningful ways. People fall short in their communication despite good intentions, and this can derail relationships.
That's why this Valentine's Day, forget the flowers and chocolate. The best gift you can give your significant other is the gift of communication. But what happens when one person is unable to keep communicating as usual? This is what hearing loss can do to our relationships.
Hearing loss is a common medical condition that can significantly impair interaction that affects all aspects of a person's life. Nearly 1 in 8 people over the age of 12 has a degree of hearing loss in one or both ears, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Hearing damage happens so gradually that it can go unnoticed and untreated for quite a while. This could have disastrous effects on the relationships with the people we love, as suggested by recent studies.
Can hearing loss harm our romantic relationships?
In a 2009 British survey involving 1,500 respondents, 44% said they attributed the hearing loss to issues in their relationships with friends, relatives, spouses, and partners, with 34% saying the issue had gotten so bad that relationships, including some marriages, had ended.
Another survey from 2007 discovered that 35 percent of respondents said their relationship with their significant other was the most impaired due to hearing loss.
As hearing loss progresses, people with untreated hearing loss notice their relationships breaking down, no matter how hard their significant other tries. They talk about how their partners fail to realize how tiring hearing loss can be. Partners of those with hearing loss report frustration with having to be the ears of their spouse even as they refuse to get their hearing treated.
The stronger the hearing ability, the stronger the relationship?
The persons with whom we spend the most time are the ones who will feel the most damage from our hearing loss. Relationships are founded on communication - not just routine conversations, but on thousands of small everyday interactions. It's easy to take for granted just how much these little moments add to our feelings of connection with the other person before hearing loss begins to make them difficult.
Intimacy means being "in tune" with each other. Think back on your current or former relationships, and you might remember the quieter, more subtle moments as being some of the most special. There's a disconnect that can widen overtime when we can't communicate clearly with our partners and loved ones.
We can rekindle this intimacy by treating hearing loss with hearing aids. Both parties tend to report that hearing aids significantly improve the relationship.
Hearing aids and friendship and family relationships.
Untreated hearing loss can also affect our relationships with our friends and family very adversely. Many individuals with untreated hearing loss tend to socially withdraw and prefer not to partake in social activities they used to enjoy. It is simply too much to hold interactions with groups of people in loud environments when hearing loss is untreated. It can lead to anxiety, loneliness, and depression when you are at a social event and cannot hear the conversation.
Today's hearing aids are packed with technology primarily focused on promoting and enjoying interactions with groups of people, including in busy and noisy settings. Hearing aid users are more likely to engage in social events vital to keeping friendships and family relationships alive and safe.
Treatment of your hearing loss has several other advantages. Wearing hearing aids, in addition to better communication, can also lead to improvements in your mental, emotional and physical health. A correlation between hearing treatment and slowing cognitive loss is starting to be identified by researchers.
It all starts with a hearing test!
Treatment starts by making an appointment to have your hearing tested with a hearing healthcare specialist. Hearing tests are a non-invasive procedure that measures the ability to hear in both ears and diagnoses the degree and nature of any hearing loss that you might be experiencing. To schedule an appointment, contact us today!
Tips for a Successful Virtual Family Reunion
This is the time of year that a lot of family reunions take place. Given our tumultuous times, it's more important than ever to stay in touch with family, near or far. While this year makes it harder to have the reunion you want, that doesn't mean that you can't have a blast! Don't let the constraints of travel and social distance deter you from making memories as a family. Consider a virtual family reunion.
The Link between Balance and Hearing
Telehealth and Hearing Loss
May is Better Hearing and Speech Month!
The American Association for Speech and Hearing (ASHA) recognizes that. For over 75 years, they have marked the month of May as Better Hearing and Speech Month, a time to raise awareness about communication disorders, minimize stigma, and promote understanding and support. This year, they are focusing on the theme Communication at Work.