Hearing Protection
One of the most important things you can do to keep your Ears Healthy is to protect them from loud noises. Noise-induced hearing loss is the only kind of hearing loss we can prevent with proper planning and protection.
Loud noises can damage the nerve cells in your inner ear, the damage can be permanent resulting in Tinnitus (constant ringing) and Hearing loss.
You can protect your ears and your hearing with custom Ear Plugs. Custom Ear Plugs are designed to fit your lifestyle and activity. They also offer the most comfort since they are molded to fit your ear.
Ideal for ….
Keep water out with custom ear plugs. Diving, Swimming or even taking a shower can trap water in the ear canal, causing irritation or even an infection.
Exposure to a single gunshot can cause permanent damage.
Anyone who enjoys music can listen to music while protecting your hearing and maintaining the sound quality.
Any job, profession, or activity where you may be exposed to prolonged periods of noise; Airport employees, Factory, Machinist, construction etc.
We offer a variety of options when it comes to hearing protection.
For more information about custom ear plugs give us a call at 585-266-4130